An owner or operator shall ensure that a system has been established to keep the following records for the periods specified:
1. All detailed maintenance records in respect of the aircraft and any life-limited component, at least 24 months after the aircraft or component was permanently withdrawn from service.
2. The total time and flight cycles as appropriate, of the aircraft and all life-limited components, at least 12 months after the aircraft or component has been permanently withdrawn from service.
3. The time and flight cycles as appropriate, since last scheduled maintenance of the component subjected to a service life limit, at least until the component scheduled maintenance has been superseded by another scheduled maintenance of equivalent work scope and detail.                                                                      4. The current status of compliance with maintenance programme such that compliance with the approved aircraft maintenance programme can be established, at least until the aircraft or component scheduled maintenance has been superseded by other scheduled maintenance of equivalent work scope and detail.                                                                                                                          5. The current status of airworthiness directives applicable to the aircraft and components, at least 12 months after the aircraft or component has been permanently withdrawn from service.                                                                         6. Details of current modifications and repairs to the aircraft, engine(s), propeller(s) and any other component vital to flight safety, at least 12 months after they have been permanently withdrawn from service.


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