PED - Securing and Stowing Passenger PEDs

          The DGCA has amended its Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) relating to air safety   to allow the use of Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs) including cellphones. The use of PEDs shall be in the non-transmitting mode commonly called flight/airplane mode” 
          Para 4 of CAR deals with training requirement of crew where stowage of PED is one of the point. But nowhere mentioned regarding ''securing'' of PED used by passenger. 
            There is an important distinction that needs to be made between “stowing” and “securing” PEDs. If a PED is to be “stowed”, it must be placed into an approved carry-on stowage location. These locations have been designed and certified to comply with the requirements for retention of articles of mass during emergency landings. Approved carry-on stowage locations have specific weight and size limitations. When a PED is “secured”, it is restrained by a method which may not have been certified for retention of articles of mass to the emergency landing load limits.
            The following elements can use as guidelines for stowing and securing PEDs published in AIRWORTHINESS BULLETIN AWB 23-003
         1. Large PEDs (such as full-size laptop computers) must be stowed in an approved carry-on stowage location, and not present an undue hazard in the event of severe turbulence, crash forces or emergency egress. Large PEDs are those the operator has determined have a mass more than 1 kg or are of a size that would impede egress. See Appendix B for analysis supporting 1 kg as the maximum mass of PEDs that are not safely stowed in approved stowage locations.
        2. Small PEDs must be stowed or secured at all times when seat belts are required to be worn. Passengers who do not wish to stow their PEDs should be encouraged to secure them on their person, such as in a garment pocket. Passengers may also secure small PEDs by placing them in seat pockets or holding them in their hands. A PED should not be left unsecured on an empty seat.
       3. Seat back pockets generally are designed to hold a maximum of 1½ kg. The passenger safety card, magazines, other literature and air sickness bag account for approximately ½ kg. When an operator conducts a safety risk assessment to determine an acceptable weight limit for the seat pocket, these items should be taken into account. As a general “rule of thumb”, a small PED and any other personal items placed in the seat back pocket should not exceed a total mass of 1 kg and should not protrude to the point of impeding egress. The FAA provides additional guidance for US air carriers in InFO 09018.
     4. PED cords or accessories must not impede emergency egress.
     5. PED policy must discourage passengers from getting up from their seats to access the overhead storage bins or other stowage areas at a point in time that would present a hazard to themselves or the passengers around them.
Use of Passenger PED
INFO 13010
FAA Guidelines InFO 09018
CAR Sec-5 Series X Part 1
Electronic Flight Bag
DGCA Circular 15.10.2010

What is a Portable Electronic Device?

             A Portable Electronic Device (PED) is a lightweight device less than 2 pounds that is electrically or battery-powered. These devices are typically capable of communications and data processing, such as smartphones, tablets or e-readers.
Note: Mobile phones that cannot be set to "airplane mode" can only be used when the boarding door is open and when taxing to the gate after landing. Your in-flight team will instruct you on when you may use your mobile phone.

Approved Portable Electronic Devices:

  • Smartphones (cellular network service must be turned off or in "airplane mode"
  • Tablets
  • e-readers
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers
  • Electronic/digital watches
  • Medical devices*
  • Headphones
  • One-way receiving pagers
  • Digital and video cameras
  • Calculators
  • Electric shavers
  • Handheld computer games
  • Electronic Devices that are NOT Permitted for Use:
  • The below items may not be used in the aircraft at any time:
    • Any device that the in-flight team believes is causing interference
    • Wireless devices (keyboards, mouse, etc.)
    • Electronic cigarettes*
    • Radio transmitters (ham, CB, etc.)
    • Battery or cord operated radios (AM/FM/VHF)
    • Two-way radio devices (i.e. Walkie Talkies)
    • Two-way pagers
    • Remote controlled toys
    • TV sets


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