‘Significant Seven’ safety risks

 ‘Significant Seven’ safety risks were identified following analysis of global fatal accidents and high-risk occurrences involving large UK commercial air transport aeroplanes by CAA.



Action Plan by CAA
Loss of control:Through improved flight control monitoring, use of aircraft automation and manual flying skills CAA are aiming to reduce the risk of loss of control occurrences.
Runway Excursion:To help reduce the risk of runway excursions, CAA are aiming to reduce unstable/de-stabilised approaches, improve information broadcast to pilots on expected braking action on contaminated runways and improve safety areas around runways.
Controlled Flight into Terrain:CAA are working to reduce the risk of serious incidents that occur during non-precision approaches (NPAs) through encouraging the replacement of traditional NPAs with Approach Vertical Guidance (APV) type approaches, and reviewing processes for gaining APV approval
Runway Incursion:CAA are actively promoting the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions to reduce the risks of these occurring at UK aerodromes.
Airborne Conflict:Through updating guidance on Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) training and working with ICAO to amend their guidance, CAA aim to reduce the risk of mid-air collisions associated with incorrect responses to ACAS warnings.
Ground Handling:CAA are working with industry to raise awareness of the risks associated with ground handling.  The primary aim is to reduce the risks of incidents linked to loading errors
Fire:CAA are developing training campaigns to raise fire safety awareness and to reduce the risks of an in-flight hidden fire through a reduction of wiring related fire/smoke events.


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