Engine Oil Pressure TIS DGCA/Cessna 172/33 R1

 DGCA/Cessna 172/33 R1 FAA AD 2013-11-11 Engine oil pressure switch life limit- 3000 hrs    
(c) Applicability     : Cessna 172R, (S/N) 17280001 through 17281618; 
                                                172S, S/N 172S8001 through 172S11256; 
                Due to  internal failure of the  engine oil pressure switch, which could result in complete loss of engine oil with consequent partial or complete loss of engine power or fire. FAA  place a life limit of 3,000 hours time-in-service (TIS) on the engine oil pressure switch, requiring replacement when the engine oil pressure switch reaches its life limit.
                  Compliance through Cessna SB 07-79-01.
         (1)  inspect the engine oil pressure switch to determine if it is part-number (P/N) 77041 or P/N 83278.
        (2) If  P/N 77041 engine oil pressure switch is installed, before further flight, replace the engine oil pressure switch with a new, zero time,P/N 83278 engine oil pressure switch. Record the engine oil pressure switch part number, date, and airplane hours TIS in the airplane log book. The recorded engine oil pressure switch TIS will be used as the benchmark for calculation of the 3,000 hour TIS limit on the engine oil pressure switch.


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