FAA AD 2013-11-11 Oil Pressure Switch #Cessna

Cessna Aircraft Company: FAA AD 2013-11-11
(a) Effective Date : August 1, 2013.
(b) Affected ADs   :This AD supersedes AD 2000-04-01
(c) Applicability     : Cessna 172R, (S/N) 17280001 through 17281618; 
                                                172S, S/N 172S8001 through 172S11256; 
                                                182S, S/N 18280001 through 18280944; 
                                                182T, S/N 18280945 through 18282357; 
                                                T182T, S/N T18208001 through T18209089;
                                                206H, S/N 20608001 through 20608349; and 
                                                T206H, S/N T20608001 through T20609079;
(d) Subject : Engine Oil Pressure.
                  (e) Unsafe Condition : This AD was prompted by new reports of internal failure of the improved engine oil pressure switch, which could result in complete loss of engine oil with consequent partial or complete loss of engine power or fire. We are issuing this AD to increase the applicability of the AD and place a life limit of 3,000 hours time-in-service (TIS) on the engine oil pressure switch, requiring replacement when the engine oil pressure switch reaches its life limit.
                  (f) Compliance :   following Cessna SB 07-79-01, unless already done.
(g) Actions
         (1) At the next scheduled oil change, annual inspection, or 100-hour time-in-service (TIS)
inspection after August 1, 2013, whichever occurs later, but in no case later than 12 months after August 1, 2013, inspect the engine oil pressure switch to determine if it is part-number (P/N) 77041 or P/N 83278.
        (2) If after the inspection required in paragraph (g)(1) of this AD, P/N 77041 engine oil pressure switch is installed, before further flight, replace the engine oil pressure switch with a new, zero time,P/N 83278 engine oil pressure switch. Record the engine oil pressure switch part number, date, and airplane hours TIS in the airplane log book. The recorded engine oil pressure switch TIS will be used as the benchmark for calculation of the 3,000 hour TIS limit on the engine oil pressure switch.
        (3) After August 1, 2013, do not install a P/N 77041 engine oil pressure switch on any affected airplane.
       (4) If after the inspection required in paragraph (g)(1) of this AD it is confirmed that P/N 83278 engine oil pressure switch is installed, through inspection of the airplane or engine logbooks determine the TIS of the engine oil pressure switch.
       (5) If after the inspection required in paragraph (g)(1) of this AD you cannot positively identify the hours TIS on the P/N 83278 engine oil pressure switch, before further flight, replace the engine oil pressure switch with a new, zero time, P/N 83278 engine oil pressure switch. Record the engine oil pressure switch part number, date, and airplane hours in the airplane log book. The recorded engine oil pressure switch TIS will be used as the benchmark for calculation of the 3,000 hour TIS limit on the engine oil pressure switch.
(6) When the engine oil pressure switch is at or greater than 3,000 hours TIS or within 50 hours
TIS after August 1, 2013, whichever occurs later, and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 3,000 hours TIS on the P/N 83278 engine oil pressure switch, replace it with a new, zero time, P/N 83278 engine oil pressure switch. Record the engine oil pressure switch part number, date, and airplane hours in the airplane log book. The recorded engine oil pressure switch TIS will be used as the benchmark for calculation of the 3,000 hour TIS limit on the engine oil pressure switch.
Cessna Service Bulletin SB 07-79-01, dated January 29, 2007.


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