Policy Change for Check Flights - Individual Responsibilities

                 SAFETY NOTICE Number: SN–2013/011 Issued: 01 July 2013

Policy change to CAA requirements for check flights
     3. Individual Responsibilities
     3.1 With the change in CAA policy detailed in this SN the responsibility of deciding when a check flight is required, as part of the continuing airworthiness oversight of the aircraft, falls upon the aircraft pilot-owner, maintainer or continuing airworthiness management organisation (as applicable). Guidance material to assist in the decision making process can be found on web page at www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?.
    3.2 At the time of the Airworthiness Review, the signatory or CAA Surveyor shall ensure that any required check flight has been satisfactorily completed, the results recorded in the CFS and any necessary action taken. Should it be identified that either a required check flight has not been performed or satisfactorily completed, including the accomplishment of any rectification action, then the airworthiness review is incomplete until such time as the issues are resolved.
    3.3 Organisations that currently make recommendations to the CAA for the issue of an expiring National Certificate of Airworthiness for the transition to a non-expiring National Certificate of Airworthiness shall ensure that any required check flight has been satisfactorily completed, the results recorded in the CFS and any necessary action taken before the recommendation is submitted.
   3.4 The CAA will review an organisation’s procedures and decision making regarding check flights as part of the normal oversight process
SN 2013-11


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