Pre-flight inspection

CAR M AMC M.A.301 -1- Continuing airworthiness tasks
1. With regard to the pre-flight inspection it is intended to mean all of the actions necessary to ensure that the aircraft is fit to make the intended flight. These should typically include but are not necessarily limited to:
a) a walk-around type inspection of the aircraft and its emergency equipment for condition
including, in particular, any obvious signs of wear, damage or leakage. In addition, the
presence of all required equipment including emergency equipment should be established.
b) an inspection of the aircraft continuing airworthiness record system or the operators technical log as applicable to ensure that the intended flight is not adversely affected by any outstanding deferred defects and that no required maintenance action shown in the maintenance statement is overdue or will become due during the flight.
c) a control that consumable fluids, gases etc. uplifted prior to flight are of the correct specification, free from contamination, and correctly recorded.
d) a control that all doors are securely fastened.
e) a control that control surface and landing gear locks, pitot/static covers, restraint devices and engine/aperture blanks have been removed.
f) a control that all the aircraft’s external surfaces and engines are free from sand, dust etc.
2. Tasks such as oil and hydraulic fluid uplift and tyre inflation may be considered as part of the pre-flight inspection. The related pre-flight inspection instructions should address the procedures to determine where the necessary uplift or inflation results from an abnormal consumption and possibly requires additional maintenance action by the AMO or certifying staff as appropriate.
3. In the case of commercial air transport, an operator should publish guidance to maintenance and flight personnel and any other personnel performing pre-flight inspection tasks, as appropriate, defining responsibilities for these actions and, where tasks are contracted to other organisations, how their accomplishment is subject to the quality system of M.A.712.
 -It should be demonstrated to DGCA that pre-flight inspection personnel have received
appropriate training for the relevant pre-flight inspection tasks. -The training standard for personnel performing the pre-flight inspection should be described in the operator’s continuing airworthiness management exposition


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