Pre-flight inspection requirement -

Pre-flight inspection requirement - away from base
CAR 145.A.30(J)4. In the case of aircraft operating away from a supported location the organisation may issue a limited certification authorisation to the commander and/or the flight engineer on the basis of the flight crew licence held subject to being satisfied that sufficient practical training has been carried out to ensure that the commander or flight engineer can accomplish the specified task to the required standard. The provisions of this paragraph shall be detailed in an exposition procedure.

GM 145.A.30(j)(4) Personnel requirements (Flight crew)
1. The person shall be a holder of an ATPL or a CPL, issued in accordance with
Schedule II of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.
2. The person shall be a holder of a Flight Engineers Licence, issued in accordance with Schedule II of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.
The theoretical knowledge instruction consists of 100 hours and includes the following elements:
1. Airframe and systems
2. Electrics
3. Powerplant and emergency equipment
4. Flight instruments and automatic flight control systems
Practical skills training provided by an organisation approved under CAR 145
is given which includes 35 days practical experience in the following subjects:
• Fuselage and flight controls
• Engines
• Instruments
• Landing gear and brakes
• Cabin/cockpit/emergency equipment
• Ground handling and servicing
• Certificate of completion
Following successful

Draft CAR M Rev.1
M.A.201 (d) Certification for Pre-Flight inspection:-
i) The pilot-in-command or, in the case of commercial air transport, the operator shall be responsible for the satisfactory accomplishment of the pre-flight inspection.
ii) The pre flight inspection shall be carried out by a type rated licensed AME for aircraft engaged in scheduled air transport operations. In the case of diversionary landing the pre flight inspection may be carried out by a duly trained type rated pilot or another qualified person.
iii) The first pre flight inspection from main base (usual station) shall be carried out by a type rated licensed AME for aircraft engaged in operations other than scheduled air transport. The subsequent pre flight inspections may be carried out by a duly trained type rated pilot or another qualified person.


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