Task Card

1. Basis and Purpose
Task Card is required for maintenance and is prepared on the basis of CAR145 & CAR M.
2. Reference
2.1 CAR145.A. 45 Maintenance data
(e) The organisation shall provide a common work card or worksheet system to be used throughout relevant parts of the organisation. In addition, the organisation shall either transcribe accurately the maintenance data contained in paragraphs (b) and (d) onto such work cards or worksheets or make precise reference to the particular maintenance task or tasks contained in such maintenance data. Work cards and worksheets may be computer generated and held on an electronic database subject to both adequate safeguards against un-authorised alteration and a back-up electronic database which shall be updated within 24 hours of any entry made to the main electronic database. Complex maintenance tasks shall be transcribed onto the work cards or worksheets and subdivided into clear stages to ensure a record of the accomplishment of the complete maintenance task. 

  2.2 CAR M.A.401 Maintenance data(c) The person or organisation maintaining an aircraft shall ensure that all applicable maintenance data is current and readily available for use when required. The person or organisation shall establish a work card or worksheet system to be used and shall either transcribe accurately the maintenance data onto such work cards or worksheets or make precise reference to the particular maintenance task or tasks contained in such maintenance data.
2.3 AMC M.A.401(c) Maintenance data 3. Maintenance tasks should be transcribed onto the work cards or worksheets and subdivided into clear stages to ensure a record of the accomplishment of the maintenance task. Of particular importance is the need to differentiate and specify, when relevant, disassembly, accomplishment of task, reassembly and testing. In the case of a lengthy maintenance task involving a succession of personnel to complete such task, it may be necessary to use supplementary work cards or worksheets to indicate what was actually accomplished by each individual person.                                                                             A worksheet or work card system should refer to particular maintenance tasks.
4. Maintenance data should be kept up to date by:
- subscribing to the applicable amendment scheme,
- checking that all amendments are being received,
3. Explanations
3.1 “Maintenance task card” mustn’t be the titles of detailed documents but classifications of technical documents. Task card is to define and record work sequences and steps, it may not involve accomplishment methods and standard concerning the maintenance tasks. It can be named as work sheet, work card, work order, data record sheet etc. or one of any combinations. 
 3.2 Reference documents for maintenances will give detailed methods and standards concerning the maintenance task. Several different documents may be referred to when establishing one task card.
3.3 In case the original data provided by aircraft manufacturer or aircraft component manufacturer can’t be obtained, maintenance organization can use self-established technical documents as sole maintenance basis or airworthiness data only when they are reviewed and approved by DGCA.
4. Maintenance task card
4.1 Maintenance task cards shall be prepared for recording each work sequence and step from parts receiving to final releasing it into service. Maintenance task cards can be one whole part or divided into several parts depending on actual situations, but at a minimum the following shall be included:
(1) name of maintenance organization;
(2) No. of task Card;
(3) Subject of maintenance task;
(4) Reference documents and revision status thereof;
(5) aircraft registration No.
(6) Detailed work contents and records prepared per work sequences and steps;
(7) signature or stamp of worker’s;
(8) Preparation or revision date;
(9) Man-hour record;
(10) Accomplishment date.
4.2 Task cards shall be prepared at in English. Titles and numbers of reference documents shall be indicated on task cards if applicable. Task descriptions shall be detailed and clear. Measurement unit shall be defined if actual measure value is required to be filled out. The corresponding part number or identification number shall be given if materials or special tools and equipment used.
4.3 Task cards can’t be utilized until they are approved by CAMO.
4.3 Task cards shall be evaluated if revision is necessary when airworthiness data is revised. Revision of task cards shall be immediately made if necessary. Revision shall be performed as set forth in stipulated procedure and then approved by authorized personnel.
4.4 A complete master set of task cards shall be kept. Records of the approval of initial task cards and revisions thereof shall be established, including evaluation records of the influence on task cards caused by revisions of the airworthiness data.


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