Ground Run Procedure

         Ground Run is an important part of maintenance and it should carried out with proper procedure and follow all relevant instruction. Approval for an engine ground run must be obtained from airport.    

  1. All personnel concerned with engine ground running must be fully conversant with rules and with the following requirements, which must be complied with at all times. 
  2. The aircraft must be positioned correctly  in such a way that engine running will not harm persons or cause damage to aircraft, buildings, installations, vehicles or equipment in the vicinity.
  3. All apron equipment must be placed at a safe distance from the aircraft.
  4. Where applicable, the rear area must be closed, to safeguard vehicular traffic.
  5.  The aircraft anti-collision beacon(s) must be switched on before engines are started and must remain on for the duration of the ground run.
  6. AME must ensure that the aircraft wheels are safely chocked and that the aircraft cannot move forward under any circumstances.
  7. A trained staff is to be positioned  in verbal contact with the flight deck. He/she will communicate by R/T or interphone with the flight deck to ensure that the engine(s) are shut down if persons or vehicles move into the danger area in front of, behind or in the vicinity of a live engine. For this purpose and if the R/T or inter phone link is unserviceable, hand signals by day and light signals by night may be used.
  8.  If engine ground running is approved to be carried out in any other location, it is the responsibility of the engineer in charge to ensure that the area behind the aircraft, which could be subjected to blast, is clear of persons, vehicles and equipment and that the ground is firm and free from loose tarmac, stones and other materials. The area immediately in front of the engine intake(s) must also be clear. 
  9. During all ground running of engines, other than in the Maintenance Area, a listening watch must be maintained on the ATC Ground Movement Control frequency to ensure the prompt initiation of emergency procedures if required.


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