Cessna 152 AMM TR 06

1. To revise the replacement time limits for the landing light switch.
2. To revise the replacement time limits for the landing and taxi light switch.
3. To add the replacement time limits for the beacon light switch.

26. During the next annual inspection and every four years thereafter, replace the Landing and Taxi Light Switch, or the Landing Light switch as applicable.
A. R eplace the Landing and Taxi Light Switch with part number TTGC-TA201TW-B, as applicable.
B. Replace the Landing Light Switch with part number C906-5, as applicable, for aircraft serials:
(1) 15279406 thru 15285833
(2) F15201449 thru F15201943

3) A1520735 thru A1521025
(4) FA1520337 thru FA1520387.
27. During the next annual inspection and every four years thereafter, replace the Switch (Beacon Light) with
part number TA201TW-B.
Cessna 152 Service Manual  Temporary Revision TR05


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