Location. A minimum of 100 feet (30 m) of unobstructed water or a turning basin should be
available in the direction from which approaches are normally made to the floating dock. Docks should be located so that aircraft have access to both sides. Aircraft are usually tied on the inshore side of the dock during inclement weather, in order to use the dock as a breakwater.
                      Clearance. The recommended minimum clearance between the center line of a taxi route and the near faces of piers, floats, ramps, or marine railway is 60 feet (18 m). Waterborne aircraft can safely taxi past obstructions as close to the centerline of the taxi route as one-half their wingspan plus 15 feet (5 m); however, this factor should be increased at locations having strong currents and windy conditions. An unobstructed dock surface area 21 feet (6.5 m) wide will provide for wing clearance over the dock and permit most floatplanes or small amphibians to come alongside the dock or pier.
           Separation. When aircraft operate under their own power into, out of, or between mooring positions, the recommended minimum separation between the limits of the mooring positions is 30 feet (10 m). When aircraft are moved by hand, the separation distance between the centers of the berthing or mooring positions should be no less than 60 feet (18 m).

Qualty,Safety and Training


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