Slipways - Facilities for seaplane operation


                 Shoreline Facilities. Shoreline installations provide two general functions:
    (1) enable servicing, loading and unloading, and mooring without removing the aircraft
from the water, and
    (2) provide haul-out facilities for removing seaplanes from the water for fresh water wash
downs and maintenance.
                 Characteristics. Installations vary according to need. They range from simple wood-plank
ramps or slipways, to docks and piers, to elaborate ramps and marine railways.

              A slipway also known as boat ramp or launch, is a ramp on the shore by which ships or boats can be moved to and from the water. Rectangular slips dredged in the shore line are common and economical and often need no specially constructed sides or ends. 
            Location. A slipway should be where the water level change is not greater than 2 feet (.6 m) and the minimum low water depth is not less than 1.5 feet (.5 m).
           Dimensions. The inside dimension of the slipway should be 2 to 3 feet (.6 to 1 m) wider than the floats and 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 m) longer than the rudder down
float length.
          Devices. A gate should be provided to dissipate wave action. A bumper, made of materials such as expanded polystyrene, old automobile tires, or strips of tires, should be attached to the inside of the front wall, sides, and gate to prevent damage to aircraft floats.Cleats to moor or secure the aircraft while it is in the slipway are recommended.

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