AD No.: 2013-0020R1 Date: 26 February 2013
ATA 25 : Equipment & Furnishings – Safety Belts / Torso Restraint Systems – Inspection /

Manufacturers : AmSafe; Anjou Aeronautique (formerly TRW Repa S.A., formerly L'Aiglon);
                           Davis Aircraft Products Co.; Schroth Safety Products GmbH; Pacific Scientific.
Applicability : All part numbers of safety belts and torso restraint systems installed on any aircraft where dynamically tested seats are required in accordance with airworthiness requirements like the European Certification Specifications (CS), or JAR/FAR, paragraphs 23.562, 25.562, 27.562 and 29.562, if safety belts and torso restraint systems have been maintained or repaired after 28 September 2003 by maintenance organizations not holding the applicable maintenance data of the relevant approval holders, unless they are marked with European Parts Approval (EPA).
Required Action(s) and Compliance Time(s): Required as indicated, unless previously accomplished:
(1) Within 6 months after 14 February 2013 [the effective date of the original issue of this AD], inspect the markings of safety belts and/or torso restraint systems, to determine if they have been maintained or repaired by organisations other than the design approval holder. A review of the applicable maintenance records is acceptable to identify the safety belts and/or torso restraint systems as specified in this paragraph, provided those records can be relied upon for that purpose, and the affected safety belts and/or torso restraint systems can be conclusively identified from that review.
(2) If safety belts and torso restraint systems have been maintained or repaired by an organisation other than the design approval holder, within 1 month after the inspection required by paragraph (1) of this AD, verify if the organisation is listed among the authorized maintenance or repair organisation reference documents quoted in the Ref. Publications section of this AD, or alternatively contact the design approval holder of thesafety belts and torso restraint systems for confirmation that the maintenance or repair organisation had been authorised by them.
(3) If the safety belts and/or torso restraint systems have been maintained or repaired by a repair station/maintenance organization not authorized by the design approval holder, within 18 months after the inspection required by paragraph (1) of this AD, remove the safety belts and/or torso restraint systems and replace them with serviceable parts, or make the relevant seat inoperative.
(4) After 14 February 2013 do not install safety belts or torso restraint systems on any aircraft, unless inspected and corrected in compliance with the requirements of this AD.

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