CAR D2L-L2 Rev.05 121109

         Principles of threat and error management relevant to aircraft maintenance
CAR Section 2 Airworthiness Series L part II 20th January 1992 has been revised through revision  05 dated 14 November to introduce  principles of threat and error management relevant to aircraft maintenance in syllabus of Paper I of AME examination.

CAR D2L-L2 2.1.1 Basic paper (a) Paper 1- Air laws airworthiness requirement and human factor including principle of threat and error management relevant to aircraft maintenance 
Note: Human performance, including principles of threat and error management,
relevant to aircraft maintenance. Guidance material to design training programmes
on human performance, including threat and error management can be found in the
Human Factors Training Manual (ICAO Doc 9683).

CAR D2L-L2 5. Experience Requirements for appearing in Written Papers:
5.1 DGCA Approved AME Training Institutes:
5.1.1 The students who have completed one year of approved training curriculum
shall be allowed to appear in Paper I (Air Law, Regulations and Human
Performance including principles of threat and error management relevant to
aircraft maintenance) of AME/basic license examination.

CAR D2L-L2 Rev.05 121109
 Threat and error management 

Qualty,Safety and Training


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