FAA AD 2012-22-01 Cessna Aircraft Company

FAA AD 2012-22-01 Cessna Aircraft Company          Effective Date : December 28, 2012.
Applicability     : This AD applies to the following Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna)
                                airplanes, certificated in any category:
(1) Model 172R, serial numbers (S/N) 17280001 through 17281187, that have incorporated
Cessna Aircraft Company Service Bulletin SB04-28-03, dated August 30, 2004, and Engine Fuel Return System, Modification Kit MK172-28-01, dated August 30, 2004; and
(2) Model 172S, S/N l72S8001 through 172S9490, that have incorporated Cessna Aircraft
Company Service Bulletin SB04-28-03, dated August 30, 2004, and Engine Fuel Return System, Modification Kit MK172-28-01; dated August 30, 2004.
Subject         : Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC)/Air Transport Association (ATA) of
                          America Code 2820, Aircraft Fuel Distribution System.
 Unsafe Condition This AD was prompted by reports of chafed fuel return line assemblies caused by the fuel return line assembly rubbing against the right steering tube assembly during full rudder pedal actuation. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Compliance :Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.
(g) Inspect the Fuel Return Line Assembly : At whichever of the following that occurs later, inspect the fuel return line assembly (Cessna part number (P/N) 0500118-49) for chafing following Cessna Service Bulletin SB07-28-01, Revision 1, dated September 22, 2011.
(1) At the next annual inspection after December 28, 2012 (the effective date of this AD); or
(2) Within the next 100 hours time-in-service (TIS) after December 28, 2012 (the effective date
of this AD); or 6
(3) Within the next 12 calendar months after December 28, 2012 (the effective date of this AD).
(h) Replace the Fuel Line Assembly If you find evidence of chafing of the fuel return line assembly (Cessna P/N 0500118-49) as a result of the inspection required by paragraph (g) of this AD, then before further flight, replace the fuel return line assembly (Cessna P/N 0500118-49) following Cessna Service Bulletin SB07-28-01, Revision 1, dated September 22, 2011.
(i) Inspect for a Minimum Clearance Between Certain Parts After any inspection required by paragraph (g) of this AD and no chafing of the fuel return line assembly (Cessna P/N 0500118-49) is found or after replacement of the fuel return line assembly (Cessna P/N 0500118-49) required by paragraph (h) of this AD, before further flight, inspect for a
minimum clearance between the following parts throughout the range of copilot pedal travel:
(1) A minimum clearance of 0.5 inch between the fuel return line assembly (Cessna P/N
0500118-49) and the right steering tube assembly (Cessna P/N MC0543022-2C); and
(2) Visible positive clearance between the fuel return line assembly (Cessna P/N 0500118-49)
and the airplane structure.
 Adjust Clearance for Fuel Return Line Assembly
                       If the clearance between the fuel return line assembly and the right steering tube assembly and the clearance between the fuel return line assembly and the aircraft structure do not meet the minimums as specified in paragraphs (i)(l) and (i)(2) of this AD, before further flight, adjust the clearances to meet the required minimums following the Instructions paragraph of Cessna Service Bulletin SB07-28-01, Revision 1, dated September 22, 2011.
 Engine Fuel Return System Modification
                        Do not incorporate Cessna Aircraft Company Engine Fuel Return System Modification Kit MK 172-28-01 as referenced in Service Bulletin SB 04-28-03, both dated August 30, 2004, without performing the actions in this AD before further flight after installation.

Qualty,Safety and Training


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