Cessna 152 FLAP

                    Cessna 152 of 1980 model met an accident on Date : 21 March 2012 and get damage: of Nose wheel collapsed, engine shock-loaded, propeller,  spinner, left wing, cockpit screen and empennage  damaged.
                      Having flown one touch-and-go landing on grass  Runway , the pilot positioned the aircraft for a second landing. He recalled that the approach had appeared normal, but as he flared the aircraft to land it suddenly lost height and touched down heavily on the  runway. The aircraft then bounced twice before tipping  forward until it came to rest inverted. The pilot was uninjured and vacated the aircraft unaided through the right window.
                       The pilot stated that he had inspected the aircraft several days after the accident and noted that the cockpit flap selector switch and the flaps, which are electrically powered, were in the fully up position. The pilot considered that when configuring the aircraft to land he had inadvertently selected the flaps up.
                    Cessna flaps are electrically operated, and we know that occasionally an electrical problem such as a blown fuse has prevented that flap retraction. This will make a go-around difficult at best. It may be that possibility which has influenced many pilots to only use full flap when carrying out or deliberately practising a short-field landing. 
                  That electrical operation also means that if the low volts light is illuminated and the battery is carrying the electrical load, “threat and error management” would suggest it would be inadvisable to make such a short field landing unless absolutely essential.  
                   If it is judged essential, full flap selection should not be made until the pilot is as sure as he can be that a go-around will not be required.
WING FLAP TRAVEL .......................................... 30° 2° Down


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