Type training - Levels

The three levels listed below define the objectives that a particular level of training is intended to achieve.
Level 1 General familiarization
A brief overview of the airframe, systems and powerplants as outlined in the Systems Description Section of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
1. Course objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to identify safety precautions related to the airframe, its systems and powerplant.
2. Identify maintenance practices important to the airframe, its systems and powerplant.
3. Define the general layout of the aircraft's major systems.
4. Define the general layout and characteristics of the powerplant.
5. Identify special tooling and test equipment used with the aircraft.
Level 2 Ramp and transit
Basic system overview of controls, indicators, principal components including their location and purpose, servicing and minor troubleshooting.
Course objectives:  the student will be able to:
1. Recall the safety precautions to be observed when working on or near the aircraft, powerplant and systems.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the main ramp and transit (through-flight) activities of the
(a) Doors, windows and hatches.
(b) Electrical power supplies.
(c) Fuel.
(d) Auxiliary power unit.
(e) Power plant.
(f) Fire protection.
(g) Environmental Control Systems.
(h) Hydraulic power.
(i) Landing gear.
(j) Flight controls.
(l) Oxygen.
(m) Flight and service interphone.
(n) Avionics.
(o) Cabin equipment/furnishings.
3. Describe systems and aircraft handling particularly access, power availability and sources.
4. Identify the locations of the principal components.
5. Explain the normal functioning of each major system, including terminology and nomenclature.
6. Perform the procedures for ramp and transit servicing associated with the aircraft for the following systems: Fuel, Power Plants, Hydraulics, Landing Gear,Water/Waste, Oxygen.
7. Demonstrate proficiency in use of crew reports and on-board reporting systems (minor troubleshooting) and determine aircraft airworthiness per the MEL/CDL.
8. Identify and use appropriate documentation.
9. Locate those procedures for replacement of components for ramp and transit activities identified in objective 2.
Level 3 Line and basemaintenance training
Detailed description, operation, component location, removal/installation and bite and troubleshooting procedures to maintenance manual level.
Course objectives:  the student will be able to:
(a) Perform system, engine, component and functional checks as specified in the maintenancemanual.by G T 
(b) Correlate information for the purpose of making decisions in respect of fault diagnosis and rectification tomaintenancemanual level.
(c) Describe procedures for replacement of components unique to aircraft type.


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