Adverse weather is an integral part of flight operations. Adverse weather prevails in one part of an operator’s network or another at different times of the year. In India, monsoon period is a defined period of adverse weather. Despite the annual occurrence and predicted regularity of the Indian Monsoon, aviation incidents/ accidents occur every year. 
                Analysis has shown that most of the incidents and accidents, that have occurred, were not generally attributable to inadequacies in aircraft performance but occurred mostly due to various deficiencies/shortcomings of the human element. Operating techniques applicable to each aircraft, under various generic adverse weather conditions, exist in flight manuals and must be adhered to. However, to ensure an enhanced level of safety, the reinforcement of these operating practices in the context of the Indian Monsoon with relevant, specific and mandatory regulatory guidelines is essential. Operators are to ensure that only pilots qualified as per this circular are detailed for flights into adverse weather/ monsoon affected regions
                         Pilots who have Obtained Command Rating for the First Time
Pilots, who have obtained their command rating on Jet Transport aircraft for the first time, will fall under this category, even if they have flown earlier in Turbo-prop aircraft.
The following additional criteria must be fulfilled:
               (a) Should have operated as a P2 during a minimum of one monsoon season prior to obtaining PIC rating for the first time.
                (b) Should have at least 100 hours PIC experience on type before being released to fly as PIC during adverse weather/monsoon conditions. In cases where a PIC is short of the 100 hours requirement or his endorsement has been obtained prior to or during adverse weather/monsoons, the PIC may continue to fly from LHS with Examiners/Instructors/Check Pilots during adverse weather/monsoon conditions till they achieve 100 hours.

                    Monsoon Training and Checks
             All Operators are to provide adverse weather/monsoon ground training as below to all their pilots irrespective of the fact that they may have flown during previous monsoon periods.
All pilots are to undergo simulator training and checks as below before they are released to fly as PIC on a new type in actual or forecast, adverse weather/monsoon conditions
                                   (a) Ground Training
                         Ground training shall cover, but not be limited to:
            (i) Aircraft Performance during Take-off and Landing with specific emphasis on wet and contaminated runway conditions.
            (ii) Calculation of Take-off and Landing field lengths and impact of individual failure events (type specific).
            (iii) Use of Weather Radar (type specific)
            (iv) Techniques of Weather Avoidance.
            (v) Indian Monsoon climatology
            (vi) ALAR and Adverse Weather Tool Kit
                                   (b) Simulator Training:

                    (i) Two hours simulator training (in the form of LOFT) for adverse weather/monsoon operations covering all aspects of adverse weather/monsoon conditions likely to be encountered en-route and in terminal areas covering aircraft performance related to wet/ contaminated runway conditions combined with MEL dispatch. Increased emphasis on
landing performance should be given including assessment of landing distance required in reduced braking effectiveness vs. actual Landing Distance Available (Safety Margins).
                    (ii) Two hours simulator check for adverse weather/monsoon operations to cover pre-monsoon, monsoon and post monsoon weather .
                       (c) Aircraft not having Simulator
          (i) Pilots of such Operators will undergo ground training as given above. This training should be arranged as close as possible to the onset of Monsoon season as forecast by the Indian Meteorology Department.
           (ii) Two sector Route Check on aircraft. The check has to be done in actual adverse weather/ rain conditions for landing.



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