Responsibilities CAR M

          M.A.201 Responsibilities
    (a) The owner is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft and shall ensure that      no flight takes place unless:
         1. the aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition, and;
         2. any operational and emergency equipment fitted is correctly installed and serviceable or clearly identified as unserviceable, and;
         3. the airworthiness certificate remains valid, and;
         4. the maintenance of the aircraft is performed in accordance with the approved  maintenance programme as specified in M.A.302.
   (b) When the aircraft is leased, the responsibilities of the owner are transferred to the lessee if:
          1. the lessee is stipulated on the registration document, or;
          2. detailed in the leasing contract.
    (c) Any person or organisation performing maintenance shall be responsible for the tasks      performed.
    (d) PIC or, in the case of commercial air transport, the operator shall be responsible for the satisfactory accomplishment of the pre-flight inspection. This inspection must be carried out by the pilot or another qualified person but need not be
carried out by AMO or by AME
       (e) In order to satisfy the responsibilities of paragraph (a),
             1. The owner of an aircraft may contract the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness to a continuing airworthiness management organisation approved in accordance with Section A, Subpart G of CAR-M. In this case, the continuing airworthiness management organisation assumes responsibility for the proper accomplishment of these tasks.
           2. An owner who decides to manage the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft under its own responsibility, without a contract in accordance with Appendix I, may nevertheless make a limited contract with a CAMO, for the development of the maintenance programme and its approval in accordance with point M.A.302. In that case, the limited contract transfers the responsibility for the development and approval of the maintenance programme to the contracted CAMO.
       (f) In the case of large aircraft, in order to satisfy the responsibilities of paragraph (a) the owner of an aircraft shall ensure that the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by an CAMO. A written contract shall be made in accordance with Appendix I. In this case, the CAMO assumes responsibility for the proper accomplishment of these tasks.
       (g) Maintenance of large aircraft, aircraft used for commercial air transport and components thereof shall be carried out by a CAR -145 approved maintenance  organisation.
        (h) In the case of commercial air transport the operator is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft it operates and shall:
          1. be approved, as part of the air operator pursuant to M.A. Subpart G for the aircraft it operates; and
        2. be approved in accordance with CAR 145 or contract such an organisation;
        3. ensure that paragraph (a) is satisfied.
    (i) When an operator is required by DGCA to hold a certificate for commercial operations, other than for commercial air transport, it shall:
        1. be appropriately approved, pursuant to M.A. Subpart G, for the management of the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft it operates or contract such an organisation; and
          2. be appropriately approved in accordance with M.A. Subpart F or CAR-145, or contract such organisations; and
        3. ensure that paragraph (a) is satisfied.
              (j) The owner/operator is responsible for granting DGCA access to the organisation/aircraft to determine continued compliance with this CAR.
              (k) The operator shall establish and follow safety management system as per CAR Section 1 Series C Part I.


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