M.A.302 Aircraft Maintenance Programme

                                    M.A.302 Aircraft Maintenance Programme
                    (a) Maintenance of each aircraft shall be organised in accordance with an aircraft maintenance programme.
                    (b) The aircraft maintenance programme and any subsequent amendments shall be approved by DGCA.
                    (c) When the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft is managed by a continuing airworthiness management organisation approved in accordance with Section A, Subpart G of CAR-M, the aircraft maintenance programme and its amendments may be approved through an indirect approval procedure.
                               (i) In that case, the indirect approval procedure shall be established by the continuing airworthiness management organisation as part of the Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition and shall be approved by DGCA.
                              (ii) The continuing airworthiness management organisation shall not use the indirect approval procedure when this organisation is not under the oversight of the State of Registry, unless an agreement exists in accordance with point M.1, paragraph 4(ii) or 4(iii), as applicable, transferring the responsibility for the approval of the aircraft maintenance programme to DGCA.
                   (d) The aircraft maintenance programme must establish compliance with:
                             (i) instructions issued by DGCA.
                             (ii) instructions for continuing airworthiness
                                  - issued by the holders of the type certificate, restricted type-certificate,
supplemental type-certificate, major repair design approval, TSO authorisation or any other relevant approval issued under CAR 21/EASA 21/FAR 21 and
                           (iii) additional or alternative instructions proposed by the owner or the continuing airworthiness management organisation once approved in accordance with
point M.A.302, except for intervals of safety related tasks referred in paragraph (e), which may be escalated, subject to sufficient reviews carried out in accordance with paragraph (g) and only when subject to direct approval in accordance with point M.A.302(b).
                 (e) The aircraft maintenance programme shall contain details, including frequency, of all maintenance to be carried out, including any specific tasks linked to the type and the specificity of operations.
                 (f) For large aircraft, when the maintenance programme is based on maintenance
steering group logic or on condition monitoring, the aircraft maintenance
programme shall include a reliability programme.
                 (g) The aircraft maintenance programme shall be subject to periodic reviews and
amended accordingly when necessary. These reviews shall ensure that the
programme continues to be valid in light of the operating experience and
instructions from DGCA whilst taking into account new and/or modified
maintenance instructions promulgated by the type certificate and supplementary
type certificate holders and any other organisation that publishes such data in
accordance with CAR 21/EASA 21/FAR 21.
                           AMC M.A.302 Aircraft Maintenance Programme
             1. The term “maintenance programme” is intended to include scheduled maintenance
tasks the associated procedures and standard maintenance practices. The term
“maintenance schedule” is intended to embrace the scheduled maintenance tasks alone.
            2. The aircraft should only be maintained to one approved maintenance programme
at a given point in time. Where an owner or operator wishes to change from one approved programme to other, a transfer check or inspection may need to be performed in order to implement the change.
          3. The maintenance programme details should be reviewed at least annually. As a
minimum revisions of documents affecting the programme basis need to be considered by the owner or operator for inclusion in the maintenance programme during the annual review. Applicable mandatory requirements for compliance with CAR 21 should be incorporated into the owner or operator’s maintenance programme as soon as possible
          4. The aircraft maintenance programme should contain a preface which will define
the maintenance programme contents, the inspection standards to be applied, permitted variations to task frequencies and where applicable, any procedure to manage the evolution of established check or inspection intervals. Appendix I to AMC M.A.302 provides detailed information on the contents of an approved aircraft maintenance programme.
         5. Repetitive maintenance tasks derived from modifications and repairs should be
incorporated into the approved maintenance programme.
                           AMC M.A.302 (a) Aircraft Maintenance Programme
                     A maintenance programme may indicate that it applies to several aircraft registrations as long as the maintenance programme clearly identifies the effectivity of the tasks and procedures that are not applicable to all of the listed registrations


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