Base Maintenance

               Base Maintenance means any task falling outside the criteria of Line Maintenance.

              Aircraft maintained in accordance with “progressive” type programmes need to be individually assessed in relation to this paragraph. In principle, the decision to allow some
“progressive” checks to be carried out is determined by the assessment that all tasks
within the particular check can be carried out safely to the required standards at the
designated line maintenance station.
            The category C licence permits certification of scheduled base maintenance by the issue of a single certificate of release to service for the complete aircraft after the completion
of all such maintenance. The basis for this certification is that the maintenance has been carried out by competent mechanics and category B1, B2 support staff, as appropriate, have signed for the maintenance tasks under their respective specialisation.
            The principal function of the category C certifying staff is to ensure that all
required maintenance has been called up and signed off by the category B1, B2 support staff, as appropriate, before issue of the certificate of release to service. Only category
C personnel who also hold category B1, B2 qualifications may perform both
roles in base maintenance.


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